Learn About Us
Why We Do It
Our Community. Our Focus.
United Way is the world's largest nonprofit, with more than 2.6 million volunteers, 9.6 million donors, and more than $5 billion raised annually worldwide. It’s exciting to be part of that movement and to see the changes and hear about our collective successes.
But, what it really comes down to here in northern New Jersey is you. United Way of Northern New Jersey brings neighbors together. We unite people who care. We raise and invest funds that stay right here in northern New Jersey — focused on the people who live, work, and play here.
The results show in our measurements and our statistics, but they really shine when you hear personal stories of how our work impacts lives. Together we are making a difference.
That's why we do it.
We are making a difference
Caregiving can be isolating. While it can be rewarding, it’s lonely when you think you’re the only one. The United Way Caregivers Coalition lets you know you are not alone. It makes such a big difference.
— Kate, unpaid family caregiver and United Way Caregivers Coalition member